6 клас
Тема: Україна. Загальні
Тип уроку: введення нового
матеріалу, розвиток мовленнєвих умінь учнів.
Мета: навчальна: ознайомити учнів з
поняттям «патріотичність» на прикладі фактів
Т.Г. Шевченка; здобути та розширити знання учнів про країну;
розвиваюча: розвивати навички аудіювання з метою отримання основної інформації з прослуханого тексту; розвивати навички парної та групової роботи; розвивати пізнавальні інтереси, пам’ять, логічне мислення, вміння працювати в різних режимах;
Т.Г. Шевченка; здобути та розширити знання учнів про країну;
розвиваюча: розвивати навички аудіювання з метою отримання основної інформації з прослуханого тексту; розвивати навички парної та групової роботи; розвивати пізнавальні інтереси, пам’ять, логічне мислення, вміння працювати в різних режимах;
виховувати патріотичні почуття, ввічливе ставлення один до одного.
Обладнання: підручник з англійської мови Карп’юк О.
Д. для 6 класу, карта світу, карта Європи, слайди
про Україну, листівки та малюнки з видами України, портрет Т. Г. Шевченка,
книга «Кобзар», картки із завданнями, магнітофон.
Хід уроку
І. Підготовка до
сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1. Greeting. Привітання.
Організаційна бесіда з черговим.
Т: Good morning, children!
I’m glad to see you healthy and in good mood.
Ps: Good morning, teacher! We are glad to see
you to!
T: Who is on duty today? What day is it
today? What date is it today?
P: I am on duty today. It is Monday today.
It is the eighteenth of March.
T: Who
is absent today?
P: All are present.
2. Aim. Повідомлення
теми та мети уроку
T: You study English for the six
year and you know how to tell about yourselves and your daily life in English, about
seasons and nature, your friends and the games you play etc. But today we’ll
speak about our native country. So, the topic of our today’s lesson is “Ukraine .
3. Warming up. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
Вчитель на карті світу та карті Європи
показує Україну.
T: Look at the map. It is our Motherland - Ukraine .
Ukraine is a state located
in the centre of Europe . The geographic centre
of Europe is near the city of Rakhiv
in Zakarpattia . But what can you say about the present and the past of your
country and about its famous sons and daughters? Do you know the meaning of the
word “patriotic”? Let’s listen to the poem by Yevhen Polishchuk “Ukraine ”.
Вчитель включає магнітофон і діти слухають вірш.
Yevhen Polishchuk “Ukraine ”
Blue sky and yellow field of grain
Is on the flag of my Ukraine .
Its emblem speaks to all the world
Bread-salt will give to friendly guest
Ukrainian people without request.
They work and sing the songs of praise
To God who’s able from ash to raise.
Reviving from His mighty Word
Forever lives who’s born again.
Long live and pray, my land Ukraine !
II. Основна частина уроку
1. Reading . Вчитель
пропонує учням переглянути слайди та прочитати тексти про визначні місця
України з метою отримання інформації та відтворення у пам’яті знань про головні
історичні місця Батьківщини. Вчитель демонструє слайди на комп’ютері, а учні
читають тексти.
T: Look at the computer slides. You’ll see and read aboutUkraine on it.
T: Look at the computer slides. You’ll see and read about
2. Listening. Аудіювання тексту “Taras Shevchenko-one of the Ukrainian patriots”.
a) Pre-listening.
Vocabulary practice. Фонетичне відпрацювання
free, freedom, founder, patriot, to publish,
to entitle, testament.
В режимі
Т→ Рs вчитель читає слова.
Учні повторюють та перекладають.
T: Listen to me attentively. Repeat after
me and translate the words.
b)While- listening. Вчитель демонструє портрет Т. Г. Шевченка, книгу «Кобзар» і читає текст . Учні уважно
слухають і виконують післятекстове завдання.
T: Listen to the text
“Taras Shevchenko-one of the Ukrainian patriots”
and do following activity (Додаток 1).
Taras Shevchenko-one of the Ukrainian patriots
The history of Ukraine
knows its own “Byron”- Taras Shevchenko, whose poems are full with love to his
Motherland. At the time of Shevchenko’s life Ukraine was not free and the great
Ukrainian poet dreamt about the freedom and happy life of his people in future.
But he understood that Ukrainian people would need to fight for freedom. In
1840 he published his first book of poems entitled “Kobzar”. In his famous
“Testament” he wrote:
And in a great new family,
The family of the free,
With softy spoken, kindly
Pray, men, remember me.
The “Testament” ended on a hopeful note
that one day Ukraine
would become free. Taras Shevchenko was the founder of the new Ukrainian
literature. He established Ukrainian as the national language. He showed the
world its beauty and forse.
T.G.Shevchenko was a real patriot of his
c) Post-listening. Choose the right word
combination in columns and complete the following sentences according to the
The history of Ukraine knows the name of…(Byron;
Shevchenko; “Kobzar”).
The poet understood the Ukrainian people
would…(need to be free; need to live in freedom; need to fight for freedom).
Shevchenko hoped that his Motherland
would…(become free; show the beauty and force of its language; dream about a
happy life in future).
3. Work in small groups. Робота в малих групах.
Let's form four small groups and each group has to do some tasks.
Take a sheet of paper and fill in a
grid. Remember your knowledge in Geography, please. I know you like this school
Key-facts about Ukraine
Official language:
The head of the state:
The largest cities:
Main river:
Who’s the first? Check on.
4. Speaking.
in pairs.
Choose a partner. Ask and answer the
questions using your key-facts about Ukraine .
For example:
P1. What is the territory of Ukraine ?
P2. Its territory is 603,700 sq
Who is the head of the state?
The President is the head of the state.
Pupils’ reports about key-facts of Ukraine
For example:
P: I live in Ukraine
and I speak Ukrainian. The head of
our state is the President. Our territory is about 604,000 sq km. The
population of Ukraine
is 48 mln people. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. I know such large
cities as Kharkiv, Lviv, Odesa, Dnspropetrovsk and others. The main river of Ukraine
is the Dnieper . I love my native land.
III. Заключна
частина уроку
1.Homework. Домашнє
до прес-конференції . Підготувати усні повідомлення про державні
символи України.
T: Prepare reports
about the state symbols of Ukraine.
2. Summarizing. Підведення
підсумків уроку.
1. Was it difficult for you to make up questions?
2.Did you like to work in small groups?
out if the facts are true or false:
1. T.Shevchenko’s poems are full with love to his
2. At the time of his life Ukraine was free.
3. He established Ukrainian as the national
literary language.
4. In 1850 he published his first book of poems
entitled “Kobzar”.
5. In 1840 he published his first book of poems
entitled “Testament”.
Тема: Національні символи
Тип уроку: прес-конференція.
Мета: навчальна: ознайомити учнів з новим
матеріалом щодо те
навички монологічного мовлення з використанням засвоєних структур і лексичних
одиниць на рівні зв’язного говоріння з опорою на текст; прищеплювати навички
проведення прес-конференцій; поглибити знання учнів про державні символи
розвиваюча:розвивати в учнів фонематичний слух та слухову пам’ять, уміння самостійної роботи з різноманітними засобами навчання;
розвиваюча:розвивати в учнів фонематичний слух та слухову пам’ять, уміння самостійної роботи з різноманітними засобами навчання;
виховувати почуття гордості за власну країну, повагу та шанобливе ставлення до її символіки.
Обладнання: підручник з англійської мови
Карп’юк О. Д. для 6 класу, ключові слова на дошці, плакат «Державні символи
України», прапор України, магнітофон, запис гімну України,
роздавально-дидактичний матеріал, кольорові кружечки, бейджики.
І. Підготовка до
сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1. Greeting. Привітання.
Організаційна бесіда з черговим.
Т: Good morning, dear friends! Take your seats and be
ready to have your lesson. I don’t see Maria. What’s the matter with her?
2.Aim. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку
Т: The aim of the lesson is to improve our
knowledge, to learn new words and expressions, to broaden our outlook and to
play a game. So, the topic of our lesson is Ukrainian national symbols. We’ll
have not an ordinary lesson today. It’ll be like a press- conference.
3. Warming up. Уведення в
іншомовну атмосферу.
“Jigsaw sentences”
A set
of jigsaw sentences is for each pair of group of four pupils. The task is tо make up four sentences. Which group
will be the first one?(The
cards are mixed)
long history
our flag
blue and yellow
lives in our
ancient anthem of
written in the 19th century
II. Основна частина
1. Vocabulary practice.Робота з ключовими словами на дошці (читання,
відпрацювання, запис у зошит)
painter V. Krychevsky February 19, 1992
Has Not Yet Perished»
journal «Meta »
Pavlo Chubynsky -
Halycian composer
text and catchy melody
1917, 1996
2. Organization of the pupils.Організація класу
для проведення прес-конференції
The aim
of the lesson is to improve our knowledge, to learn new words and expressions,
to broaden our outlook and to play a game.
The winners will get a prize.
Some of
you will beforeign correspondents and these badges are for you, some will be
politicians, some — historians and some — musicians. Put on your badges,
press-conference .Проведення прес-конференції
Correspondent 1. What are the state symbols of Ukraine ?
Politician 1. The state symbols of Ukraine are the
national flag, the national emblem and the national anthem. They root deeply
in ancient times and have symbolic meaning.
Correspondent 2.Would.youlike to tell us about your
national flag?
Politician 2. Our flag consists of two horizontal
fields: blue and yellow. They seem to remind that there are two very important
things for people: the peaceful blue sky and stands of yellow ripened wheat, as
the symbol of welfare of our nation.
Correspondent 3. And what about the history of your
Politician 3. The combination of the blue and
yellow colours dates back to pre-Christian times. They predominated on the
flags of the Kyiv Rus and were prominent during the Cossack age.
Correspondent 4. What can you say about the national
Historian 1. The oldest archeological findings
of the Trident on the Ukrainian lands take their origin into the first century
A.D. It might be a symbol of the tribe, which lived there. It perhaps was a
symbol of Prince’s power in Kyiv Rus.
Historian 2. And the revival of historical
traditions started at the beginning of the XX century. The author of the
Trident’s projects was the painter V. Krychevsky. The Trident was printed on
the banknotes of the Ukrainian
Republics .
Politic 4. On August 24, 1991 Ukraine was
proclaimed independence. And on February 19, 1992 the Supreme Council confirmed
the Golden Trident on the Blue Shield as the national emblem of Ukraine .
Correspondent 5. I’m fond of music. And I like
Ukrainian anthem very much. But I didn’t know much about it.
Musician 1. The national anthem “Ukraine Has Not
Yet Perished” has also its history. In 1863 the Lviv Journal “Meta ” published the poem by Pavlo Chubynsky. In the same
year it was set to music by the Halycian composer Mykhailo Verbytsky. This
song with its catchy melody and patriotic text became popular among the
Ukrainians. In 1917 it was officially adopted as the anthem of the Ukrainian State . In 1996 the Supreme Council
defines the State Anthem of Ukraine.
Musician 2. Let’s listen to the National Anthem
of Ukraine. (Звучить один куплет і приспів гімну.) And now let’s work with the English
equivalent of it:
She lives on, our Ukraine ,
Her freedom and glory.
Let us trust that once more fortune May illumine her story.
Like the dew before the sunshine,
foes disappearing.
We shall rule, oh youthful brethren,
Our land nothing fearing.
Soul and body sacrificing.
For our cherished freedom,
We shall show we are descendants-
Of mighty Kozak
Now listen to the anthem once and fiil in the blanks:
She lives on, оur...,
Неr ... and glory.
Let us trust that ... fоrtunе
Мау illumine hег....
Like the dew before the...,
... foes disарреагiпg.
We shall rulе, olr ... brеthrеn,
Оuг land .,. fearing.
Soul and ... sacrificing.
Fоr оur cherished...,
We shall ... we аrе descendants
Of mighty... knights.
Те а с h е r. Thanks all of уоu fоr уоur participation.
You wеrе excellent.
4. The game"Who is the
fastest?". Гра-змагання
T: Let's form three teams (rеd, yellow and green). Each team has to discuss the
nаmе, do some tasks and get as mоrе mаrks as possible.
Конкурсна програма
1) Сrеаtе! (Захистити
команду, ви конуючи творче завдання; пiсню, вiрш, танок.)
Перша команда – вiрш
Є.Полiщука «Укpaiнa» англiйською мовою
Blue sky and yellow field of grain
Is on the flag of my Ukraine .
Its emblem speaks to all the world
With FREEDOM-such a lovely word.
Bread-salt will give to friendly guest
Ukrainian people without request.
They work and sing the songs of praise
To God who’s able from ash to raise.
Reviving from His mighty Word
Forever lives who’s born again.
Long live and pray, my land Ukraine !
Друга команда - вiршi про Українy
Yоu may choose а fгiеnd and а brоthеr.
But you can nеvеr choose уоur native land!
You mау choose everything in the
But you can nеvеr choose your Motherland!
Beautiful, gеnегоus is our native land
And the language is like nightingale.
Love, respect and take саге of everything
That is called - Ukraine !
Третя команда - пiсня "Червона рута" англiйською мовою
Can you tell mе the truth?
Whеrе you'ye got such а magic,
I have been all these days
In the spirit of sadness,
Мау bе sоmеwhеrе in the woods
Yоu have looked fоr the spell hеrbs,
you have found the sunrut
And have сhаrmеd mе with magic.
Don't look fоr the ruta,
You don't look fоr it in evenings.
Yоu аге the only mу love,
You аrе rеаllу оnе,
Cause of your beauty
That looks like сlеаr wаtеr
Quick shiny wаtеr
Frоm mountain hills.
2) Аnswеr the questions.
1. What Ukrainian national symbols do you knоw?
2. What does the Ukrainian flag consist of?
3. What do these colours mеаn?
4. What is the national emblem of Ukrаinе?
5. What had it symbolized since Chгistianity?
6. Was it the dynastic coat of аrms?
7. When did the rеvivаl of historical traditions start?
8. Who was the author of the Trident's projects?
9. When was it accepted as the еmblem of ukraine ?
10. What is the national anthem?
11. When and where did Р. Chubynsky publish
his роеm?
12. Who was the соmроsеr of this anthem?
13. Which was this anthem? Did it
bесоmе рорulаг?
14. When did the Supreme Rada define the State Anthem of Ukraine?
T: All of you wеrе good today. Thank
you very muсh.
III. 3аключна частина уроку
1.Homework. Домашнє завдання
T: Now we’ll form
three so-called "home
groups" in different colours:
red, yellow and green and you have to
prepare some tasks. And you have the
numbers for the further work. Red group will prepare some information about
geographical position of Ukraine . Green group will prepare some facts about the national symbols of Ukraine . Yellow
group will prepare some information
about Kyiv
2. Summarizing. Пiдсумки уроку
T: What lesson do we have today?
What were we talking about?
Which activities do you like
Тема. Наша
Батьківщина – Україна.
Тип уроку: узагальнення знань.
узагальнити та систематизувати
знання лексичного і граматичного матеріалу, удосконалити навички спілкування в
діалогічній та груповій формі; проконтролювати рівень вивченої лексики з теми;
розширювати загальний та філологічний світогляд учнів у межах теми;
розвиваюча:розвивати в учнів культуру спілкування в ситуаціях,
логічне мислення, вміння робити висновки та узагальнення;
виховна: виховувати
патріотичні почуття, почуття гордості за власну країну та повагу до інших країн світу,
любов до вивчення англійської мови, повагу один до одного.
Обладнання: підручник з англійської
мови Карп’юк О. Д. для 6 класу, карта України, карта
Києва, листівки з видами Києва, плакат «Державні символи України», магнітофон,
піктограми, тести, кольорові кружечки, номерки.
Хід уроку
І. І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного
1. Greeting. Привітання. Організаційна бесіда з черговим.
T: Ні! Nice to meet you! Take your seats and get ready for the
lesson. How are you? (pictogrammes) Oh, I see you are in high mood today, am I
2) The dialogue of
duty pupils about the weather. Діалог чергових учнів про погоду
What does it look like
outdoors today? Has it stopped snowing?
Yes, but there’s bitter
cold wind.
I didn’t hear today’s
forecast over the radio but there must be hard frost.
It feels like 10 degrees below zero.
I don’t mind cold weather.
But there is sleet today
and it’s slippery in the street.
How beautiful! Everything
is covered with hoar-frost.
I am afraid there will be
hard frost and my apple-tree will get frost bitten.
Stop being pessimistic.
2.Aim. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T: Dear friends! We have finished learning some
material about Ukraine ,
Kyiv, its sights and some facts from the history of our land. Today we’ll
summarize this material. If you are active, if you all take part, it will be
interesting here. According to our plan by the end of the lesson you should be
to operate some facts about
the geographical position of Ukraine ;
to talk about the national
symbols of Ukraine ;
to make around Kyiv tour
and don’t forget about our native town;
to speak about some of
Kyiv’s places of interest;
to learn something about
some outstanding people of Ukraine ;
to have a quiz about Ukraine
and revise grammar that you may need to do all these things.
So, the theme of our lesson is “Ukraine is Our Motherland”.
3. Warming up. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
1) Song
“On my way to school...”
On my way to school I see the sun in the sky.
On my way to school.
On my way to school I see the birds in the trees.
On my way to school.
On my way to school I smell the bread from the shop.
On my way to school.
On my way to school I see the clouds in the sky.
On my way to school.
2)Робота над висловлюванням Дж. Байрона
“Не, Who Loves Not His Country, Can
Love Nothing.”
George Byron (1788—1824)
Бесіда з учнями за змістом висловлювання
• Who was George Gordon Byron? Read
and translate it.
II. Основна частина
1. Check up. Перевірка домашнього
a)Об’єднання в
групи. Робота за технологією «Ажурна пилка»
my memory doesn't fail me, we have learnt a lot about Ukraine
and Kyiv.
Last week you have formed so-called "home groups" and you had to prepare
some tasks. You have three "home" groups in different colours: red, yellow and green. And you have the
numbers for the further work.
you have two minutes to discuss your hometask. First think, and
then talk.
Think out everything carefully before you
begin. Are you ready? Let's start.
as much as you can.
Red. What have you done for
have prepared some information about geographical position of Ukraine ,
we want to work with the map and the pointer.)
The two mountainous
areas in Ukraine are the
Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains , but they are not high. The main rivers are the Dnieper, the Dniester, the Bug, the Donets and others.
climate is mild and soft in the west and in the centre, warm
and dry in the east and hot in the south. The flora of Ukraine is rich in a great variety of plant species,
which number up to 16,000. The animal life is also
unusual and specific.
The population of Ukraine
is 47 mln people. Many nationalities
inhabit our country: Ukrainians, Russians, Jews, Poles, Byelorusians, Moldovians, Bulgarians,
Hungarians, Czechs, Greeks and others.
Green. What were you given to prepare?
were given to prepare some facts about the national symbols of Ukraine ,
may we come to the blackboard?)
state symbols of Ukraine
are the national flag, national emblem and national
anthem. They root deeply in ancient times and have symbolic meaning.
The Ukrainian Flag consists of two horizontal fields: blue and
yellow. They seem to remind that there are two very important for people: the peaceful blue sky and stands of yellow ripened
wheat, as symbol of welfare of our nation.
The national emblem of Ukraine
is a gold trident on an azure background. In ancient times it was the dynastic coat of arms
ofthe Kyivan princes.
In 1992 after
the restoration of Ukrainian independence, the Supreme
Rada of Ukraine accepted the trident as the main element
ofthe official emblem of our state.
The national anthem
"Ukraine Has Not Yet Perished"
has also his history. In 1863
the Lviv Journal "Meta "
published the poem by Pavlo Chubynsky. In the same year
it was set to music by the Halycian composer Mykhailo Ver-bytsky. This song with its catchy melody and patriotic text became
popular among the Ukrainians. In 1917
it was officially adopted as the anthem
of the Ukrainian State . In 1996 the Supreme Rada defines the State Anthem of Ukraine.
What was you hometask?
(Our hometask was to prepare some information about Kyiv, we want to
work with the map of Kyiv and the pictures.)
the capital of Ukraine , is
one of the oldest cities of Eastern
Europe . It was founded 15 centuries
ago and it was the capital of ancient Rus.
There is a legend
about its foundation. Once there were three brothers — Kyi, Schek and Khoriv and they had
a young sister Lybid. They founded the city on one of the hills above the Dnieper and called it Kyiv after the eldest brother.
Kyiv is one of the
largest and most beautiful cities in Europe .
It is situated on both banks ofthe river Dnieper .
The bridges over the Dnieper are marvellous. Kyiv's
population is more than 3 million inhabitants.
is very green city. Parks and gardens cover one half of its
territory. In summer when the trees are in full leaf, the
city looks like a huge park. The main street in Kyiv is
Khreschatyk with famous chestnut trees. It is also the heart ofthe city. The traffic is very heavy in it.
Kyiv is a historic, religious and cultural centre of Ukraine .
monuments ofthe past look well with modern buildings — attractive hotels, cinemas, theatres, metro
is a big scientific centre. There are many institutes, hundreds
of schools and the Academy
of Sciences in it.
There are many museums, cinemas and theatres to visit in Kyiv.
Kyiv is also a centre of political life of Ukraine . All important political
events take
place here. The President of Ukraine lives
and works in Kyiv.
inhabitants ofthe capital are proud of their city very much.
Who wants to add and work with the map of Kyiv?
I want to tell you about the Golden Gate . It's one of the most ancient historical monuments. The Gates were built
in 1037 by Yaroslav the Wise. They were
used on special occasions when the armies of the Prince left
for or returned from military campaigns, or when honoured
St Sophia's Cathedral was built in the 11th century. Nowhere else in Europe does one find so many frescos and mosaics. The Cathedral is surrounded by monastery buildings that date from the 17th century.
The Cathedral's interior has been touched
by very few changes. The iconostasis dates
from 18th century and cast-iron plates on the floor from the 19th century.
It seems to me that Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra is a spiritual and
cultural treasury ofthe Ukrainian people. On its territory
there are more than 80 buildings, among them 37 monuments ofthe 11th and later centuries, the caves ofthe La vra Monastery are a unique creation of nature and
human hands.
And now let's have
a rest.
2. Physical activity. Фізкультхвилинка.
"Head and Shoulders"
Head and shoulder, knees and toes. Knees
and toes, knees and toes. Head and shoulder, knees and
toes. Knees and toes, knees and toes. Eyes and ears and mouth and nose, Head and shoulder, knees and toes. Knees
and toes, knees and toes.
3.Reading. Пред’явлення для читання тексту " Outstanding People of Ukraine" (див. додаток 1)
T: please, read the
text "Outstanding People of Ukraine". I'll give you some minutes.
Time is out.
Now I
want to break down your groups into the "expert" groups. Please, numbers
these seats; numbers "2" take those seats, numbers "3" take these seats; numbers "4" take those seats.
You should discuss the text you have just read. You may ask and answer the questions,
discuss your train of thoughts.
After it you should
discuss it with your friends in the "home" groups and help each other
to understand the material.
T: I'll check on your
knowledge. Translate the sentences from Ukrainian into English.
Видатний історик Михайло
Грушевський був першим президентом Української Народної Республіки.
Українські науковці
зробили свій внесок у світову науку.
Лисенко був засновником української школи композиторів.
В оперних театрах
багатьох країн з теплотою приймають українських співаків.
українських видатних людей будуть жити у серцях та пам'яті справжніх патріотів
4. Гра «Брейн-ринг»
додаток 2)
Now let's see if
are you able to take part in the following task.
Let's play the game
"Brain-ring" on topic "All about Ukraine ".
I'll ask you some
questions about Ukraine
and you should answer as quickly as possible. If your answer is right, rise
your pictogrammes and you get one point. If it is wrong the turn is for the
other team. The winner is who will have more points. Do you understand the
rules? Let's start.
ІІІ. Заключна
частина уроку
1.Homework. Домашнє завдання
T: Open your
day-books and write down your hometask for Monday. It will be to make up either
poems or crosswords about Ukraine ,
2. Summarizing. Підсумки уроку
T: I see you are trying very hard. I'd like to thank for
your work at the lesson. But I want you to put points yourselves, that's why
turn over your quiz-list and fill in the card. Show me, please, how you are
now. I'm very glad.
Let's sum up.
You have some
coloured leaves in front of you: red, yellow and green. Write your attitude to
the lesson:
Green — what you like at the lesson;
— your wishes and
Red — what you don't like.
After it stick them
on our sum-up tree on the blackboards.
The bell is
ringing. Stand up. The lesson is over.
I really appreciate
your work during the lesson.
You may
Додаток 1
Such prominent Ukrainian historians as
Mykhailo Hrushevsky, Mykhailo Drahomanov and Ivan Krypiakevych made great
contribution to the world historical science.
Mykhailo Hrushevsky was the first President of
the Ukrainian People's Republic.
The scientific activity and life of many world
famous scientists such as Vemad-sky, Zabolotny, Bohomolets, Paton,
Sklifosofsky, Filatov are closely connected with Ukraine .
The founder of the Ukrainian national composer
school was Mykola Lysenko. His operas "Taras Bulba", "Natalka
Poltavka", "Eneida" are still staged at the world's opera
Ukrainian opera singers are warmly received
in many countries. The best known soloists are Yevheniya Mirosh-nichenko and
Dmytro Hnatiuk. Ukraine
takes an active part in the world culture.
Додаток 2
1. "All
About Ukraine ".
How do we call in one word Russians,
Byelorusians and Ukrainians?
Who is the head of Ukraine ?
Name the two mountainous areas which
are situated in Ukraine .
What is the title of the first
book of poems by T. Shevchenko?
6. Where is the cultural, social ai political centre of Ukraine ?
Who was the founder of the Ukraii
ian School of Composers?
What seas is Ukraine washed by?
What holiday do we celebrate
twit in
Ukraine ?
Who established Ukrainian as tr national
literary language?
11. What is the number of populatio of Ukraine ?
12. Name
the main rivers of Ukraine .
13. What
part of Europe does Ukrain occupy?
14. Who
is Mykhailo Drahomanov?
15. What
was the name of organizatioi which was formed in the 16th cen tury in Ukraine ?
16. What
is the national Ukrainiar currency?
17. What
is the name of the anciem Slavic state?
18. Does
Sweden border on Ukraine ?
19. What does the word
"Sophia" mean in Greek?
20. How many
inhabitants live in Kyiv?
21. Whom
do we call the "Ukrainian Byron"?
22. Where are the Golden Gates situated?
23. Name
all the countries Ukraine
24. What
does the word "cossack" mean?
25. Name the three first princes of Kyiv Rus.
26. What are the names of the heroes from the
legend about Kyiv's foundation?
27. Who
brought the Christianity to Ukraine ?
28.Who was the
first President of Ukrainian People's Republic?
29. Who is Volodymyr Vernadsky?
30. Who is the author of "Testament"?
31.What are the colours of the national flag
of Ukraine ?
32.What is
the name of the central street in Kyiv?
33.Who was Ivan Sirko?
34.Did our
ancestors believe in one god or in many gods?
35.Name the
best-known operas by Mykola Lysenko.
holiday do we celebrate on the 24th of August?
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